Other TA Volunteer Opportunities
Alternative Tax Preparation (ATP)
What is Alternative Tax Preparation (ATP)
ATP is another Tax-Aide service delivery model in which Taxpayers prepare/file their own returns with Free Software.
Taxpayers can choose to have ATP Volunteers coach them as they prepare their own returns.
Why do Taxpayers Request ATP Assistance?
The Taxpayer lives in a remote location or no Tax-Aide sites are nearby.
Home-bound Taxpayers and Taxpayers with mobility and transportation issues.
Local site has no appointments available during the times that the Taxpayer is available.
Taxpayer has a tax-related question.
How to become involved in this program
Contact the ATP State Lead:
Gene Torrey at genet527@gmail.com
Assisting Taxpayers using ATP is time consuming, requires good communication skills, and a lot of patience. ATP volunteers must be able to work independently and have TaxSlayer experience.
Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA)
What is Facilitated Self Assistance (FSA)
It is a new Service Delivery Model for TY2023
We provide TaxSlayer and Chromebook access and Advice
Taxpayer creates, enters, prints and e-files own return
May be a stand-alone FSA site or operate separately within Tax-Aide site
Has its own SIDN but no EFIN
More information at Volunteer Portal→Libraries→Service Delivery Models→2023 FSA
How to become involved in this program
Talk to your District Coordinator or Local Coordinator and encourage them to establish an FSA at your local TA site.
Property Tax Assistance (PTA)
What is Property Tax Assistance (PTA)
The Property Tax Assistance (PTA) program is separate program outside of Tax-Aide that is supported by AARP Foundation. It is designed to allow Taxpayers to apply for the Homestead Credit Refund and Renter’s Property Tax Refund either on their own or with assistance of a AARP Property Tax volunteer.
Using the on-line PTA system, a PTA volunteer completes either a Homestead Credit Refund return or Renter’s Property Tax Refund return to determine if the Taxpayer qualifies for property tax relief. If they do qualify, two copies of the return are printed for the Taxpayer; one for their records and one to be attached to a copy of their CRP or Property Tax Statement, and mailed to the state's property tax department.
As we all know, there are many people that do not have access to on-line systems or do not have the ability to utilize computer-related technology. Thus, AARP Foundation strives to have a cadre of PTA volunteers that can go to locations such as senior centers, community centers, shopping centers, etc. and help people complete the property tax relief application process.
How to become involved in this program
If you are interesting in helping establish or become involved in a PTA cadre, contact the PTA State Coordinator - Jim Mayerle at jmayerle@gmail.com - and he can provide more information as to how you can help with this program.
State Tax Assistance Program (STAP)
What is the State Tax Assistance Program (STAP)
It is a process whereby Counselors in one state provide assistance to Counselors in another state for completing and reviewing an out-of-state return for a Taxpayer.
If a Taxpayer comes to a site and needs a state tax return prepared for another state, the Requesting Counselor communicates by phone, TaxSlayer, and/or other media to an Assisting Counselor in the state that the return needs to be prepared for.
What is the Process
A Requesting Counselor prepares returns in TaxSlayer:
Applicable local state
Starts the “other state” return(s) using state intake sheet
Then, a Site TaxSlayer Administrator:
Activates TaxSlayer User ID for STAP Assisting Counselor
Adds “other state” forms to print package
Adds a STAP tag to the return
Then, the Requesting Counselor:
Sends email to XX@st-tax-assistance.org (replacing XX with state , i.e. MN, WI, etc.)
Then, the Assisting Counselor accepts by responding to the Requesting Counselor email:
Initiates phone or email conversation to answer questions
Logs into Requesting TaxSlayer site to Quality Review return
When the Assisting Counselor has completed the out-of-state return, the Requesting Counselor is notified. The Taxpayer returns to the tax site to pickup their tax documents. The Requesting Counselor and the local team must explain the state tax return to the taxpayer and witness the signature(s) to the Form 8879.
How to become involved in this program
Talk to your District Coordinator, District Training Coordinator, or Local Coordinator to find out how to become involved with assisting in the STAP.